Esopus Spitzenburg Apple
- Zone: 4
- Taste: Spicy sweet
- Texture: Firm
- Bloom Time: Mid
- Harvest Time: Late
- Size: Prune to desired height
- Uses: Cooking, cider, eating after a month
Was one of Thomas Jefferson's favorite apple varieties. He planted thirty-two of these trees in the South Orchard at Monticello between 1807 and 1812. A.J. Downing, America's foremost nineteenth-century pomologist, described Esopus Spitzenburg as a handsome, truly delicious apple, unsurpassed as a dessert fruit. Today, Apple connoisseurs still consider this variety among the finest ever known. It ripens late autumn, with firm, juicy yellow flesh. The apples have a delicious, brisk, rich flavor that is unforgettable.
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