Organic Grown Trees & Plants:

Chenago Strawberry

  • Zone: 4
  • Taste: Sweet
  • Texture: Tender
  • Bloom Time: Mid-Late
  • Harvest Time: Early-Mid
  • Size: Prune to desired height
  • Uses: Fresh eating, baking

An heirloom apple from Chenago, New York. Has another name that I like, 'Sherwood's Favorite'. The apples have a unique strawberry smell and they can be harvested up to a month and a half, though I reckon I would pick them sooner than later. Like the Honeycrisp, this one has leaned toward producing biennial so do proper thinning to have a productive year every year instead of every other. They do not store all that great, but hey, they smell like strawberries!

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